

[‫初学者必看]如何做自由泳练习手臂的动作 外教教学片 Practicing the Arm Motion for the Freestyle Stroke

如何做自由泳练习手臂的动作 外教教学片 Practicing the Arm Motion for the Freestyle Stroke

Hi, I’m Mary and this is Karina. We’re from Aquatic Adventures in Roanoke, Virginia. And we’re going to talk to you about practicing the arm motion for the freestyle stroke. Karina and I have two of our favorite drills that we’re going to demonstrate for you today. The first one is the catch up drill. The catch up drill helps with timing and the hand placement in the water. You start with both hands together like Karina has here and then, you’re going to pull through, you’re going to catch and pull through with one hand, keeping the other hand straight out in front of you. She’s going to do her full recover and come through into the water and place it on top of the other hand. Then, the other hand is going to repeat the same motion. Now, you can breath your normal breathing pattern while doing this drill. You can breath every three strokes, you can breath every two strokes; whatever is more comfortable for you. But, you want to remember the focus is on what I’m doing through each movement, each motion of the arm and making sure that I end on top of the other hand. That’s the catch up drill. The second drill that we like to use for freestyle is the fingertip drag. In the fingertip drag, what that helps is the high elbow position. When we recover out of the water, we want the elbow to come up high towards the ceiling and almost roll as our, our hand comes up in front of us to enter and set up for the catch again. So, what we do is swim like we’re swimming freestyle, but, we’re going to come and drag our fingertips below the surface of the water with each stroke. As Karina’s showing you here, that fingertips don’t quite come out of the water and she sets up to get ready for her catch at the end of each recovery phase. And those are our two favorite drills for practicing the freestyle arm movements in the water.