

[‫初学者必看]自由泳的呼吸模式 外教教学片 Breathing Pattern of the Freestyle Stroke

自由泳的呼吸模式 外教教学片 Breathing Pattern of the Freestyle Stroke

Hi, I’m Mary and this is Karina and we’re with Aquatic Adventures in Roanoke and today, we re going to talk to you about some breathing patterns for the freestyle stroke. So, with our freestyle, there are two essential ways that you can breath, unilaterally or bilaterally. Unilaterally is breathing just one side. Karina is going to just stand here and demonstrate. So, if she were just to breath to her right side, she would be swimming and breathing, she could breath every other stroke which is what a lot of people like to do. So, she’s going to breath every two strokes or she could breath bilaterally, every three strokes and go to the other side when she wants to take a breath. A lot of times people will find that it’s more comfortable to either breath to one side or the other. But, oftentimes you will be told by a coach or you may find that even such a stroke, if you’re breathing bilaterally every three strokes, every five strokes, whatever is most comfortable for you is what we would recommend. And I’m Mary and that is breathing patterns for the freestyle stroke.