

[‫初学者必看]如何做自由泳的手臂动作 外教教学片 Overview of the Freestyle Stroke Arm Motion

如何做自由泳的手臂动作 外教教学片 Overview of the Freestyle Stroke Arm Motion

Hi, I’m Mary and this is Karina and we’re with Aquatic Adventures in Roanoke, Virginia. And today, we’re going to talk about the overview of the freestyle arm motion. So, essentially, with freestyle, there are three phases to the stroke. We got the catch, the pull and the recovery. Okay. So, we work while one arm’s recovering, the other arm’s going to be pulling. But, they’re not exactly opposite. So, we are extending here as we enter into the water for our freestyle stroke; we want to enter palm down and we’re going to catch the water, as we extend, we catch the water like Karina is here and then, we pull under our body all the way through to our hips. As we are pulling through, we are lifting our elbows and dragging our fingertips across the top of the water for the recovery and set up phase of the beginning of the next stroke. One of the things that you would like to think about when swimming the freestyle arm movements, we draw a line down the center of our body and we remember to never cross that line. We want to drag our fingertips along the center of that line as we pull through under the water. This will help our body to roll from side to side like it’s suppose to and it’ll, it’ll give us a nice strong pull without putting any added stress on our shoulders. Karina’s going to turn to the side so that you can see it from the side. And she’s going to, she’s going to go through the full motion where she enters, she pulls through, she catches, releases and has a recovery. So, she’s just going to do it nice and slow. See, it’s that simple. And that’s how you do the arm movements of the freestyle stroke.